Conversion of women to Pentecostal Churches in Limulunga Compound of Mongu District
Ilutombi, Mufungulwa Irene
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University of Zambia
In its aim to meet the Millennium Development Goal (MDGs) number 6 on Malaria, Zambia through the National Malaria Control Centre (NMCC) has allocated nearly $200 million into prevention and control programs. These programs include the distribution of Insecticide Treated Nets (ITNs), Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS), training of personnel in proper use of Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDTs) and combination therapies. Unfortunately, a lot more needs to be done in complicated falciparum cases. Most cases of severe malarial anaemia may be comorbid with other infections making diagnosis difficult. This may lead to increased cases if morbidity and mortality in children under the age of five.
Results from this study will provide greater information and clarity on the factors associated with severe malarial anaemia and impact of malaria intervention strategies on the transmission of malaria.
Results will further identify which children under the age of five are most severely affected by severe malarial anaemia and will guide future intervention initiatives.
Women-Pentecostal Church-Mongu,Zambia , Pentecostalism-Mongu, Zambia , Conversions-Religions