Wireless local area network(s)security: a case study on some business centers in Lusaka central district.

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Samui, Frank Sakabanga
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The University of Zambia
This study investigates and analyses the security situation related to the deployment of wireless local area networks (WLANs), configured in infrastructure mode, for three selected business centre in Lusaka central district, using a software analyzer tool called wireless Mon. Wireless local area networks (WLANs) popularly called Wi-Fi have become very popular with between 60% to 70% business centres in Lusaka central district. The deployment ranges from homes, business centres to large corporate organizations due to ease of installation, employee convenience, avoiding wiring cost or alteration, which this technology offers. However, WLANs are susceptible to cyber-attacks and the public easily accesses private WLANs. To achieve this aim, the study was conducted in two specific phases, where the first phase involved determining or scanning for the availability and unavailability of wireless access point on selected business centres in Lusaka central district. The study established how many WAPs, secured, unsecured, vendor device type, media access control addresses (MAC address) and their operating channels. In the second phase, a survey to ascertain awareness of the security issues and cyber-attacks relating to wireless networks technology and what remedial tools, processes have been implemented was conducted. Data gathered by parking car (war parking) techniques supplemented with readily available information on the internet together with security flaws were analyzed and enumerated. The preliminary results showed that 70% of business centres in Lusaka district are aware of the security issues and have installed anti-cyber software to secure their networks though expressed cost challenges for implementing a complete secure system. .
Thesis of Master of Engineering in Information Communication Technology Security