An Evaluation of the communication strategies used by the Zambia Privatization Agency in the process of privatization: A case study of Kafue Estates

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Mwanamwalye, Gabriel
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Since the mid 1980s, the process of privatisation has been a common phenomenon in developing nations. Through the interventions of the IMF and the World Bank Zambia also embraced privatisation. In Zambia privatisation recorded both failures and successes.The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of communicating the process and impact of privatisation on affected communities. The study focussed on the case of Kafue Estates.The study used the triangulation method. The first set of the questionnaire was distributed to 100 respondents of Kafue Estates according to the three communities as follows: C5 received 50 questionnaires, C6 20 questionnaires and C7 30 questionnaires. The second set of the questionnaire was distributed to 15 respondents from Zambia Development Agency (ZDA).One focus group discussion was conducted with the residents of Kafue Estates (each community was represent as follows C5, 4, C6, 3 and C7, 3) and three in-depth interviews with senior members of staff at ZDA conducted.The findings of this study were that the Zambia Privatisation Agency did not have effective communication strategies tailored for residents of Kafue Estates. The Zambia Privatisation Agency's privatisation information was received through news on TV, radio and from newspapers. The Zambia Privatisation Agency should have used other media that were less expensive and more versatile in disseminating information such as radio programs, public meetings, school debates and various print materials distributed in resource centres. The information should be translated into local languages. It is recommended that the government considers increasing the budgetory allocation in order for the Agency to execute its duties effectively including sensitising the citizens about privatisation and its effects.
Communication Strategies-CRS