Perceptions of teachers on integrating of art and design in the teaching and learning of mathematics at lower primary school level in Chipata district.

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Phiri, Harrison
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The University of Zambia
The purpose of the study was to establish teachers’ perceptions on whether integrating art and design at lower primary level could help improve learner performance in mathematics. A descriptive survey research design was used in the study. The sample comprised 84 participants, 4 lecturers from a public College of Education in Chipata; 30 primary school teachers. The study was conducted in 10 primary schools. In total 50 primary schools pupils were involved in the study. Simple random technique was used to select a sample of teachers. A non-probability sampling procedure known as purposive sampling technique was used to select lecturers. Group interview and questionnaires were used to collect information from the respondents. Data was analysed using content analysis, a procedure for the categorisation of verbal or behavioural data, for purposes of classification and summarisation. Out of the 34 teachers and lectures involved, the study revealed that 30 respondents representing (88.2%) had positive views towards the integration of art and design in the teaching and learning of mathematics. These respondents felt integrating art and design in the teaching of mathematics at the lower levels of education could motivate and encourage learners to enjoy mathematics. The other 4 participants representing (11.8%) of the participants also had different views on the subject. The study revealed that there were less play and practical activities in classes. Classrooms were void of teaching aids and objects which enhance learning at this level. Integration of art and design in the teaching of mathematics was very minimal. This also resulted in the use of inappropriate teaching methods which were mostly void of play activities suitable for the lower primary level. The study recommends that art integration into mathematics should start with primary colleges of education where teachers are trained. Teachers should be equipped with artistic skill in the production and use of teaching aids right from the college. The findings of the study suggest that the foundation of the learners at lower level of education was compromised as teachers did not have the right attitude in integrating art in the teaching of mathematics.
Thesis of Master’s Degree in Education (Primary Education)