An educational perspective on an integrated approach in mitigating climate change in Mufulira

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Kamukwamba, Lawerence
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The University of Zambia
Climate change is a crucial contributing factor to increased heat waves, flooding, droughts, intense tropical cyclones, rising sea levels and loss of biodiversity. Hazards induced by climate change can have detrimental effects on school facilities, educational systems, and interrupt educational continuity. However, the education sector offers an opportunity to combat climate change through contributing to mitigation efforts by implementing awareness programmes, thereby reducing vulnerabilities and building resilient societies. This study explores an Educational Perspective on an Integrated Approach in Mitigating Climate Change in Mufulira. The study was qualitative and utilised questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, document analysis, and an observation schedule with a purposively chosen sample in Butondo, Kankoyo, and Kantanshi townships. The study sample included 24 learners (8 from each school, thus; Butondo, Chankwa and Kantanshi Secondary School), 12 teachers (4 from each of the schools mentioned), 12 parents (who had a child or children at any of the schools mentioned) and 4 officers from Civil Society Organisations. Despite increases in scientific understanding of Climate Change Education, the ministry of education in Zambia has done little to raise awareness on mitigating climate change apart from the recent inclusion of the Environmental Issues and Innovations category in the Junior Engineers Technicians and Scientists (JETS). The interdisciplinary nature of climate change mitigation demands, in addition to funding, planning and multi-sectoral approach, adequate incorporation across curricula at all levels to ensure learning across the life-cycle, quality Mathematics and Science Education (MSE) and reorientation of teacher training in order to raise students’ awareness and competencies to mitigate climate change. The findings further revealed that traditional pedagogies and rote-learning methodologies must be replaced with problem-solving, inquiry-based and future-oriented learning approaches anchored in the local community. The study recommended the following: adequate allocation of funds to produce teaching and learning materials and teacher training, self-reliance, networking among implementers; policy on integration, positive attitude among learners, provision of literature; and innovative teaching methods. Key words: integrated approach, climate change, climate change mitigation
Climate change--Zambia , Climate Change--Mitigation--Mufulira, Zambia