Implementation of civic entrepreneurship in the governance of the university of Zambia.

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Mupeta, Sydney
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The University of Zambia
The focus of this study was to investigate the implementation of civic entrepreneurship in the governance of the University of Zambia. The researcher concentrated on exploring the implementation of civic innovations, collaborative leadership and political leadership, distinctive elements that make up civic entrepreneurship, as well as the identification of challenges encountered in the implementation process of civic entrepreneurship and to generate alternative strategies to counter the challenges. To do this, researcher adopted a case study design seeing that the research sought to collect qualitative data. As such, semi-structured interviews were used to collect data from 56 respondents who were sampled using snowball and convenient sampling. Document analysis was equally employed in the collection of data. Data analysis was done on the basis of themes that emerged from the study. The findings of this study indicate that various stakeholders are involved in the implementation of civic innovations which are embedded in the university strategic plan. It was also noted that the university conduct sensitizations before civic innovations are implemented. Further, the study established that the University of Zambia collaborates with various strategic partners and the decisions are made and implemented after collective agreements are reached. However, the study showed that there is too much involvement of the political leadership in the governance of the university which results in government interference. The study also revealed that lack of financial resources affects the implementation of civic entrepreneurship in the university governance systems. The study concludes that the university is not independent of the political leadership’s influence in decision making. Further still, the research shows factors such as lack of funding, government interference, information barrier and bureaucracy as challenges faced by UNZA in the implementation of civic entrepreneurship. Based on the findings the inference is that the university is on the right path with regards to the implementation of civic innovations. However, there is need for the university to be more inclusive and appreciate the innovative ideas from staff. Finally, it is highly recommended that government must devise a financial framework for funding public universities in order to enhance effective delivery of education services and good governance of public universities in Zambia. Keywords: Civic entrepreneurship, Governance, Civic innovations, Political leadership, Collaborative leadership, Implementation
Civic entrepreneurship , Collaborative leadership--Implementation , Governance--Civic innovations-- Political leadership