Views of stakeholders on career guidance services provided to pupils with hearing impairment at Nsonta secondary school in Kasama district of Zambia
Mubonde, Enock
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The University of Zambia
The study investigated the views of stakeholders on career guidance services provided to
pupils with hearing impairment at Nsonta Secondary school in Kasama district of Zambia.
The study was guided by the following study objectives: to establish views of stakeholders on
how career guidance was being provided to pupils with hearing impairment at Nsonta
secondary school, to assess teachers’ ability to communicate in sign language during career
guidance activities at Nsonta secondary school; to explore views of stakeholders on content
of career guidance provided to pupils with hearing impairment at the study school, and to
document views of stakeholders on the relevance of career guidance services provided to
pupils with hearing impairment at Nsonta Secondary School. The study was qualitative in
nature and used a case study design. Interview guides were used on a sample of 25 pupils
with hearing impairment two career guidance teachers and six subject teachers. The sample
was selected using purposive sampling techniques while analysis of data was done
thematically. The study revealed that: career guidance services were mostly provided through
one to one approach, in groups and industrial education visits. It was also confident that
career guidance teachers dealing with pupils, were knowledgeable of sign language. Hence,
communicated effectively with pupils with hearing impairment regarding information on
career guidance. Among the content of the information shared were: comprehensive
sexuality, time management, choosing a career, knowing one’s ability, studying techniques
and choosing right friends. In terms of relevance, learners with hearing impairment had
conflicting views. While the majority of the pupils considered the guidance service they
received from the guidance teacher as relevant, however, the study expressed concerns such
as failure among other pupils to comprehend some of the topics and limitations in use of sign
language by some teachers. The study recommended that, teachers have adequate knowledge
and skills in sign language through Continuing Professional Development (CPDs) programs
to communicate well with pupils with hearing impairment and for them to benefit from the
career guidance services being currently provided in the study school.
Deaf--Education--Zambia , Hearing impaired--Zambia