Teachers and pupils views in the teaching and learning of comprehensive sexuality education in primary schools of Lusaka district, Zambia.

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Mutale, Agness Mubanga
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The University of Zambia
The study investigated the views of teachers and pupils in the teaching of comprehensive sexuality education in two selected primary schools in Lusaka District. The objectives of the study were to; describe the views of teachers and pupils in the delivery of Comprehensive Sexuality Education; in primary schools; explore the benefits of teaching and learning Comprehensive Sexuality Education; establish the Challenges faced by teachers and pupils in the delivery of Comprehensive Sexuality Education and to develop a framework that could be used to address the challenges faced by teachers in the delivery and learning of Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Zambian Primary Schools. The study evoked a qualitative approach using an interpretive phenomenological research design. However, Creswell, (2009), points out that in determining the sample size in qualitative research, there is no specific formula. It is ultimately a matter of judgment and experience on the part of the researcher, and researchers need to evaluate the quality of the information collected in light of the uses to which it will be applied. Therefore, the researcher used his own personal judgment to determine the sample size in this study. Furthermore, Cohen (2000) in Creswell, (2009), explain that in a qualitative study, a small number of sample sizes suffice. A total sample of 45 participants consisting of 15 teachers and 30 pupils was drawn from two selected primary schools in Lusaka District. The scope of the study was restricted only to two Grade 7 selected primary schools in Lusaka District teaching Comprehensive Sexuality Education. Data was collected through interview guides and focus group discussions. Analysis of data was done through the use of themes. The study findings reviewed that the benefits of teaching and learning of Comprehensive Sexuality Education in schools are that it provides information and skills on the protection against HIV infection and other sexual health problems to pupils, and equip them to live a productive life in the society. The other benefits of Comprehensive Sexuality Education are that it provides information on HIV/AIDS, methods of preventive measures on how to live with people with HIV/AIDS, reducing rates of unwanted pregnancies, and contracting of sexually transmitted infections. Challenges faced by the teachers and pupils in the teaching and learning of Comprehensive Sexuality Education. Includes: The shortage of trained teachers, lack of teaching equipment, lack of funds, negative attitudes from parents, lack of sensitization to the general public, lack of support from parents of teaching materials, negative attitudes from parents and overcrowdings. Further, the study revealed that some of the measures that should help in addressing the challenges encountered in the teaching and learning of Comprehensive Sexuality Education were to offer training for both parents and teachers about Comprehensive Sexuality Education, and sensitisation campaigns on Comprehensive Sexuality Education. The study recommended the following: the Ministry of General Education should intensify sensitisation campaigns for the teachers and the pupils; should revisit the syllabus on the method of teaching learning Comprehensive Sexuality Education; and should ensure that Comprehensive Sexuality Education is timetabled and examined to add value.
Thesis of master of education in educational psychology