Pedagogical consideration for the enhancement of mathematical skills among the hearing impaired pupils in selected Basic Schools in Ndola and Lufwanyama Districts of Copperbelt Province,Zambia
Chishimba, Christine
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The University of Zambia
The purpose of the study was to examine the factors inhibiting learning Mathematical skills
among the hearing impaired pupils in selected Basic Schools in Zambia. The objectives of the
study were to: investigate the factors inhibiting the learning of Mathematical skills among the
hearing impaired pupils; find out the Mathematical skills taught to the hearing impaired pupils;
examine the instructional strategies used in teaching Mathematical skills to the hearing impaired
pupils; assess the availability of educational resources in teaching the hearing impaired pupils
Mathematical skills; and ascertain the suitability of the available resources in teaching
Mathematical skills to pupils with hearing impairments. An ethnographic paradigm was used in
this study. This was believed to be the most appropriate approach because it provides insights
and experiences of families with disabled children in real life situations better than any other
approach. The sample comprised 44 teachers of mathematics and 70 pupils who were
purposively selected. This method of sampling was chosen because it only targeted the teachers
and pupils who were expected to have adequate information on the topic. Questionnaires and
interviews were used to collect the needed data. The quantitative data from the questionnaires
were analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) while the qualitative data
was analysed through emerging themes.
The findings of the study revealed that there were several factors that inhibited the hearing
impaired from learning Mathematical skills. Most of the teachers (25) cited negative attitude of
teachers in the delivery of the curriculum due to language barrier (teacher’s lack of training or
knowledge in Sign Language). Other factors according to the teachers included, inadequate
textbooks and visual aids, poor methodology, and lack of clear explanation of concepts by the
teachers. On the other hand, 33 pupils said that they failed to understand Mathematical concepts
because teachers did not give them proper instructions in sign language while 37 of them
reported that they lacked adequate textbooks to use.
In terms of the skills taught to pupils with hearing impairment, the study showed that 27 of the
teachers taught pupils how to add and subtract numbers while 17 of the teachers taught the pupils
how to add, subtract, multiply and divide numbers.
As regards instructional strategies used in teaching Mathematics to the hearing impaired pupils,
the study revealed that 27 teachers used demonstrations and question and answer method while 7
used concrete objects and 4 used sign language in conjunction with visual aids. On the other
hand, 44 pupils reported that teachers just explained concepts in sign language while 26 of them
said that teachers used learning aids, books and sign language.
As regards availability of educational resources, the findings of the study showed that 27
teachers were of the view that these resources were not adequate enough. Like the teachers, 39
pupils indicated that the educational resources were not readily available while 31 were of the
view that they were available. However, the study findings showed that 25 teachers used
textbooks and charts while 8 used textbooks, concrete objects and charts. Further, 6 teachers
used concrete objects whereas 3 used textbooks, abacus and counters.
Mathematics abilities in Children-Zambia , Mathematics --Study and Teaching(Primary)-Zambia , Mathematical models