The role of alangizi teachings in the face of gender based domestic violence in Kaunda Square township in Lusaka, Zambia.
Ndhlovu, Mwanja
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The University of Zambia
The reason for this study was to analyse the role played by Alangizi in the face of gender based
violence in Kaunda Square in Lusaka, Zambia.
The research used a qualitative research approach and a descriptive survey design was employed.
Semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions (FGD) were conducted. Focus group
discussions were conducted on selected Alangizi and married women. Interviews were also
conducted on Alangizi and police officers and data was thematically analysed under the following
research questions; what was the content of the knowledge that was taught to females during premarital
rites by Alangizi, what were the perceptions of Alangizi regarding gender based violence, did
the teachings of Alangizi perpetuate gender based violence, and which ways could Alangizi teachings
assist with the prevention and mitigation of gender based violence?
From the results of the study, it was evident that despite the rich culture and traditions that were
being taught to women during pre-marital rites by Alangizi, there were some teaching that were
harmful to women because they perpetuated gender based violence. Teachings like labia pulling,
submission and the culture of silence were the major harmful teachings that were identified. It was
also discovered that the perceptions that Alangizi had towards gender based violence affected the
way they taught women about dealing with disputes and gender based violence in marriage. It was
revealed that Alangizi viewed gender based violence as severe physical violence therefore they
neglected to teach women about the other forms of gender based violence.
All in all, it was discovered that Alangizi teachings were a great platform that could be used to fight
gender based violence. It was recognised that this could only be done once the teachings were
reviewed and changed so that they did not perpetuate gender based violence and would be able to
cater for the new age woman who was empowered. Therefore, it was suggested that the teachings
should empower women to stand up for themselves and that sayings like ‘shipikisha club’
(endurance club) and ‘ubuchende bwa mwaume tabu toba ing’anda’ (a man’s infidelity cannot
break a home) should be a thing of the past.
The following recommendations were made; All Alangizi should belong to the Alangizi National
Association of Zambia (ANAZ) which should be monitored by the Ministry of Gender and Child
Development. The content of the teachings of Alangizi should be evaluated so that the teachings that
perpetuate gender based violence could be removed and/or revised.
Marriage counselors. , Marital psychotherapy. , Family psychotherapy. , Marriage. , Marriage counseling.