Role of guidance and counselling in preparing teachers for retirement: a case of teachers in Sinda district, Zambia.
Mhone, Innocent Everson
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The University of Zambia
The study intended to assess the role of guidance and counselling in preparing teachers for retirement in Sinda district. It was guided by the following study objectives (i) to establish the role of guidance and counselling in preparing teachers for retirement, (ii) to explore why teachers had
negative attitude towards retirement, (iii) to ascertain why teachers developed anxiety when they approached retirement age, (iv) determine activities should be considered when preparing teachers for retirement and (v) to establish how prepared teachers were for retirement. A case study research design was employed in this study. The population comprised all head teachers, Heads of Departments and Heads of Sections HODs/HOSs), Guidance and Counselling Teachers, serving teachers, retired teachers and teacher union representatives from the two secondary schools and one primary school. Sample of three head teachers, eight HODs/HOSs, three guidance and counselling teachers, thirteen serving teachers, eight retired teachers and eight teacher union representatives. The study used homogeneous purposive and snowball sampling procedures to select participants. Data for the study was collected through an interview guide and semi-structured interviews were conducted on all the participants. Data was analysed by using thematic analysis. The results of the study revealed that guidance and counselling did not play major role in preparing teachers for retirement because there was no formal established guidance and counselling services specifically for teachers in the institutions visited during data collection. Furthermore, the study revealed that teachers did not have a habit of saving or doing business so as to cushion financial burdens. Instead, teachers totally depended on their monthly salaries hence the negative attitudes whenever an issue of retirement clicked in their minds. Additionally, it was revealed that teachers developed anxiety as they approach retirement because they were not ready to retire. Participants suggested activities or actions that should be considered when preparing teachers for retirement such as teachers to start some form of business so as to sustain them and seek professional guidance counselling services on retirement issues. Furthermore, teachers to develop a habit of saving because salaries alone could not sustain them. Lastly, the study further revealed that majority of teachers were not prepared for retirement because they thought that they still had more years to serve in government. Based on the findings the study recommended that; (a) Retirement planning should begin early in the teacher’s life. (b) The counseling unit of the Zambian Education system should counsel teachers and guide them in retirement investment choices.
Thesis of Masters of Science in Counselling