The Effectiveness of Zambia Agriculture Research Institute (ZARI) in disserminating agricultural information to smallholders: A case study of Mwembeshi Settlement Village (MSV)
Kasuba, Chibesa Kelvin
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The aim of the study was to investigate the provision and accessibility of agricultural information to farmers in Mweembeshi Settlement Village a Farming Block in Kafue District. The objectives of the study were establish the agricultural information needs and sources of farmers as well as identifying the gaps smallholders encounter in obtaining agricultural information. The study population consisted of all 300 farmers located within the area. The findings of the study revealed that all farmers need information to do farming. The most vital source of the information was ZARI, and extension officers. However, smallholders indicated that they experienced gaps in obtaining information relating to credit, and loans availability, markets information and information on methods of farming. The study recommends that there should be a strengthening link between research and extension as the main source of agricultural information and that other stakeholders, such as Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, as well as among the extension wing, research, NGOs work in handy to develop information systems to support the activities of smallholders.
Agriculture--Information Services--Zambia , Information Services--Zambia