Community perceptions of traditional marriage counselling in Lusaka District
Simbotwe, Viictoria Mwaka
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University of Zambia
In Zambia today, marriage can be perceived to be a union of man and woman and this means the
two families unite to become one bigger family. However, despite traditional marriage
counselling taking a leading role in resolving marital problems in marriages, most communities
have a different perception of the counselling services that are being offered.
The purpose of this study was to determine community perceptions of traditional marriage
counselling in Lusaka District. The study was guided by the following objectives, to: determine
community perceptions of traditional marriage counselling; establish approaches used by
community members to access traditional marriage counsellors; determine challenges faced by
traditional marriage counsellors; and identify possible solutions to challenges faced by traditional
marriage counsellors.
The study adopted a case study design which used a qualitative approach in data collection. The
target population comprised thirty (30) traditional marriage counsellors, twenty (20) women and
men (couples) and ten (10) court clerks, bringing the total to sixty (60). Traditional marriage
counsellors were selected using a snow ball sampling procedure while purposive sampling was
used to sample court clerks, men and women (couples). Interview guides were used to collect
data from traditional marriage counsellors, court clerks, men and women (couples). The research
study gathered qualitative data only which was analyzed thematically by organizing common
themes or patterns that emerged from the responses from the participants so that appropriate
conclusions could be made. The study found out that couple’s understanding of each other,
openness and ownership of the marriage through knowledge gained by way of traditional
marriage counselling assisted in preventing divorce intentions. It was found that traditional
marriage counsellors were accessed through individuals found within the community, family set
up, members of the clergy and elderly members of the family who had experience regarding
marriage. The study established that traditional marriage counselling services would not be
accessed by couples due to distance, family interference, Western Education and Western
Culture and negative attitudes by members of the public. The study noted that most churches
perceived traditional marriage counselling as being demonic. Financial challenges faced by
couples also hindered them from accessing traditional marriage counselling, since these
counselling services were chargeable. The study recommended that : i) government through the
Ministry of Community Development and Social Welfare should create public awareness to
sensitize couples on the importance of undergoing traditional marriage counselling ; (ii)
government should make amendments to the Zambian Matrimonial Act to include a clause that
protects traditional marriage counsellors; (iii) there should be creation of partnerships between
Government through the Ministry of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs and the Alangizi National
Association of Zambia to ensure that all traditional marriage counsellors are registered with the
association so that couples in remote areas acquire marriage counselling services as well.
Master of Education in Adult Education
Marriage counseling.—Zambia