An analysis of the socio- economic and cultural conflicts between Somali immigrants and the host community in Ndeke township of Ndola.
Tembo, Mabvuto Cosmas
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The University of Zambia
This study sought to analyze the socio-economic and cultural conflicts between Somali immigrants and the host community in Ndeke Township in Ndola by establishing factors that caused the conflict and its impact on the co-existence of the two populations in the Township. The study took a qualitative approach with all Zambians and Somali immigrants in Ndeke Township forming the population of the study. The sample size for the study was thirty while purposive and convenient random sampling techniques were used to select participants. Data was collected using in-depth one on one interviews and analysed thematically. The study findings showed that the relationship between the host community and the Somali immigrants in Ndeke Township was characterised by tension and suspicions. On social factors, the study found that the host community was frustrated with the tendency by Somali immigrants to discriminate against members of the host population especially at Somali establishments. It further established that religious differences between the two communities also played a role in the conflicts. The study equally found that sexual exploitation of young girls from the host population as well as poor hygienic practices by the Somali immigrants such as spitting anyhow in public also contributed to the tension between the two communities. Key recommendations made included the need for the Iimmigration Department, the Zambia Police Service and the Local Authorities to form a joint dispute resolution committee to deal with the tension between the host population and the Somali immigrants, the need for Immigration Department to amend the law to restrict the number of self settled and Urban refugees as their presence created frustrations among the host population as a result of their ever increasing numbers and the need for religious leaders to preach tolerance of other religious and cultural practices to promote co-existence and trust among the two communities. The study was significant in that it was able to bring out factors that cause frustrations among members of the host community in Ndeke Township and will help inform authorities in formulating policies to deal with the conflict.
Emigration and immigration. , Somali immigrants.