A sociological study on Teachers' and Administraors' perspectives on Religious Education syllabus 20146 becoming unpopular in Zambezi District
Njombi, Kahilu Chrispin
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This study investigated the perspectives of teachers and administrators on Religious Education (RE) Syllabus 2046, from a Sociology of Knowledge perspective. Purposive sampling was used to select five secondary schools and the District Education Board Secretary’s (DEBS) office in Zambezi District. The sample consisted of twenty RE teachers, ten guidance and counseling teachers, five Heads of Social Sciences Department, ten school administrators and five education administrators. The participants were purposively selected since they were working at the six stations where the study was done.
Qualitative methods were employed in the collection of data. The data were collected using Focus Group Discussion (FGD) guide and interview guide. The responses from the interviews and FGDs were analysed by coding and grouping similar themes together using constant comparative techniques. The data was transcribed from the field notes and subjected to thematic analysis. The data were also examined closely using the main emerging themes.
The study established that RE Syllabus 2046 was becoming unpopular among the learners in Zambezi District because it was just for evangelization and for academic purposes. The syllabus was offered to many classes but only few pupils sat for the final examinations. The findings also indicated that it was not educating learners to expose them to continuous reconstruction of their experiences. The syllabus was inadequate because it encouraged lower levels of knowledge without analysis, synthesis, application and evaluation. The findings also indicated that the syllabus was inadequate to teach social and religious knowledge covering the ways of real societal living. On methods the study commended inquiry, project, debate and role play being learner centred. The syllabus needed to teach Sociological knowledge concerning values, skills and attitudes. The study recommended that RE curriculum specialists should make consultations in the revision and formation of a new syllabus which focuses on the learners’ talents and interests, helping them to excel in their lives.
Religious education-Zambia , Religious education-Study and Teaching , Religious education syllabus-Zambia