Graduate School of Business

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    Enhancing the visibility and corporate image of Rusangu university through the utilisation of social media.
    (The University of Zambia, 2021) Muchindu, Fitzgerald
    The aim of this study was to develop a framework of actions that could be used to enhance the visibility and boost the image of Rusangu University using social media. Social media are web-based communication tools that enable people to interact with each other by both sharing and consuming information. A mixed method (qualitative and quantitative), design was employed. The focus of the study was Rusangu University, and this included 785 respondents which comprised of students, faculty, staff parents/guardians and potential students. The findings are that Rusangu University was only using one social media platform – Facebook, to enhance its visibility and boost its image. Bearing in mind that there are numerous social media sites currently being used by universities all over the globe that also appeal to different interest groups, the use of one social media platform by Rusangu University, therefore, could indirectly mean that the university was not reaching out to other social media users on other social media sites. These could be potential students or other key stakeholders. From the results, the respondents felt that in addition to Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram and TikTok would be the most ideal social media sites for Rusangu University because of the many advantages that they have compared to other social media sites. And this was the same view shared by the Focus Discussion Groups members regarding the most ideal social media sites for Rusangu University. It is recommended that Rusangu University focuses on improving its text, video, and picture content on social media so that it is not only precise and captivating but also provide the much-desired information that appeals to the different targeted groups. It is, therefore, important that Rusangu University has the best and most appealing content on several social media sites used in different regions.
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    An evaluation of the factors affecting sustainability of donor funded projects : experiences from oprhanage homes in Lusaka.
    (The University of Zambia, 2021) Luhanga, Vanila
    This paper evaluated factors affecting sustainability of donor funded orphanage homes projects. In order to conduct this investigation, the study adopted a qualitative method following the descriptive research design.The study sample comprised of 61 project implementers and targeted 29 registered orphanage homes in Lusaka. Projects employees were selected using simple random sampling while project manager and line ministry representatives were purposively sampled as they were believed to be key informants. The study adopted a questionaire survey and semi structured interviews to collect data. The data was analysed using thematic and content analysis. This study desired to achieve the following objectives: To understand how government and donor policies influence sustainability of donor funded orphanage homes, to examine the adopted management practices and their influence on sustainability of donor Funded orphanage homes and to establish how donor funded orphanage homes can be developed in order to attain sustainability. The study findings revealed that the existing policies and management practices adopted by the projects affect sustainability. The study established that stakeholder engagement at every phase of the project and implementation of income generating activies such as farming can enhance sustainability of donor funded orphanage homes. Therefore the study recommended among other things that there is is need the government and its collaborative partners to work together to provide technical and financial support in a harmonized manner and orphanage homes management needs to use the resources they have to implement income generating activites which will help raise additional funds for orphanage homes in order to attain sustainability.
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    Increasing accessbility of COMESA trade facilitation instruments by Zambian small and medium enterprises: case of ZDA affilated SME's.
    (The University of Zambia, 2021) Chola, Sandra
    The aim of the study has been exploring the accessibility of COMESA TFIs by SMEs in Zambia. The objectives of the study were to describe the extent of TFIs Utilization in Zambia, understand the form the point of SMEs how they utilise, understand based on lay accounts barriers to utilization of COMESA TFIs by SMES in Zambia and Develop a Framework which SMEs could employ to capitalize on COMESA TFIs in Zambia.The study used a Questionnaire and an interview guide as key data collection instruments. There were 130 questionnaires that were distributed to respondents and 5 key informants. There were a total of 130 respondents, in which 82 were males and 48 were females, representing 63.1% and 36.9% respectively. The key informants had three males and two females respectively the results of the study revealed that 91.5% of the respondent said that they had never accessed Trade facilitation Instrument of COMESA while 8.5 % ever accessed TFIs. The findings also reveal another research objective results and one key objective was to do with extent of utilization of TFIs. The findings demonstrate many reasons views of respondents on use of TFI. As observed most respondents do not use TFI, reasons behind that are Lack of Adequate finance by SMEs (14.6%), SMEs do not understand and know role of COMESA (23.1%), Policy Implementation being poor (43.1%), and inadequate procedures and Logistics (14.6%). Furthermore, the study showed that there is a linkage between COMESA and SMEs which already exists. However, most SMEs are not still aware of the Programs of COMESA and lot of them lack connectivity and internet skills (10%), Lack of digital financial capacity by SMEs (43.1%), Lack of communication and information (31.5%), Lack of inclusiveness/biasness (11.5%). The findings also revealed study highlighted challenges they are faced with in respect to COMESA trade facilitation instruments. These are limited access to technology (14.6%), unfavorable business environment (20. %), Lack of Finance and Knowledge on COMESA Procedures (33.1%), Slow Digital Economic Integration (18.5%), Laws on customs and Trade Facilitations (13.1%).
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    Determinants of effective grant management systems in Zambia: the case of the GIZ civil society participation programme.
    (The University of Zambia, 2021) Samboko, Choolwe
    Donor Agencies play a very important role in administering development interventions by providing financial and technical support to governments as well as Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). The support is mostly administered through grants. To achieve their objectives, it is very important for donor agencies to have in place an effective grant management system. A Qualitative Study was conducted to examine the factors that influence the effective performance of the Grant Management System (GMS) using the GIZ’s Civil Society Participation Programme (CSPP) as a case study. A review of the grants GIZ had concluded in the year 2019 revealed that 64% of the contracts were extended while 30% (including some of the contracts that had been extended) lapsed before the completion of the activities. The study intended to get the views, opinions, motivations and perceptions, from the respondents’ view point, of the factors influencing an effective grant management system of the respondents. The study was aimed at ascertaining whether the system was functioning in accordance with its core purpose of guiding Programme implementation, operation and contractual processes. The study brought out a number of determinants of effective GMS which included well-defined standard operating procedures; simplicity of financial reporting templates, systems and Procedures; certainty (timely) of fund disbursements; effective Communication; training and continuous technical support; Capacity (Due Diligence) Assessments; and proper donor follow ups on project implementation and reporting. The study concludes that there is need to address the inhibiting factors for the purpose of consolidating and sustaining the effectiveness of the grants management system. The study further recommends that the identified determinants above can be incorporated in the grant management model for the GIZ’s Civil Society Participation Programme
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    Performance of MSMES in Zambia: an investigation of critical success factors.
    (The University of Zambia, 2021) Kunda, Guylet
    Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) are a very heterogeneous group and operate in a wide array of business activities. MSMEs play a critical role in the development of an economy as they are a source of livelihood and employment creation. In Zambia, MSMEs development is one way of reducing reliance on the mining sector and building a more diverse and resilient economy. The study aimed to establish the critical success factors of micro, small and medium enterprises in Lusaka that can be emulated by similar enterprises to ensure business survival success. The study was limited to identifying and understanding critical success factors that affect the performance of MSMEs in the Lusaka district. The study focused on identifying Critical Success Factors (CSF) relevant in the Zambian environment. To achieve the research objectives of investigating the critical success factors in the performance of MSMEs in Zambia, a survey methodology was adopted. The study employed both qualitative and quantitative methods of collecting and analysing data. The study identified 10 critical success factors for MSMEs in Zambia within the wider spectrum of Entrepreneurial factors, Enterprise factors, and Business environment factors. The 10 CSF revealed by the study are 1. commitment of the owner/manager; 2. business planning; 3. management of competitors; 4. government regulations; 5. management of customers; 6. enterprise's pool of resources; 7. management of sources of finance; 8. employee commitment; 9. Innovation; and 10. Profitability. The study, therefore, concludes that MSMEs need to pay particular attention to the identified 10 (ten) CSF for the sole purpose of achieving the desired performance. It should be recognized that critical success factors for MSMEs vary from region to region, country to country, and according to the type of MSMEs. The success and performance of MSMEs largely depend on how they can cope with these critical success factors identified and how policymakers and implementing agencies understand these realities. The study recommends that there is a need for the government to scale up its efforts towards the protection of the MSMEs for them to be able to thrive. Further, the study recommends that MSMEs develop a strategy through which they can obtain customer feedback on their products/services and use these responses to develop superior tastes for their products. Besides, the study recommends that MSME's should set-up financial priorities at the commencement stage of their business.