Interpersonal conflict management strategies used at Oryx energy company limited of Lusaka, Zambia.

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Samanana, Kapashi Petronellah
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The University of Zambia
This study sought to assess interpersonal conflict management strategies used at Oryx energy company limited of Lusaka-Zambia. This took a qualitative case study research design whose main objectives were to establish the perception that employers and employees had on the term conflict management, establish the strategies used in conflict management, identify the causes of interpersonal conflicts, explore the effects and establishing the challenges faced in conflict management. The population included all the employers and employees of Oryx Energy Company Limited with the sample of 11 participants which comprised of 1 employer and 10 employees. The findings of the study were that some employees and the employer had a good understanding of the term conflict management. Most of them stated that conflict management is a way of resolving a conflict. Other findings were that interpersonal conflicts between employees and employers were caused by favoritism, communication breakdown, unsatisfactory labor allocations and laziness. It was also established that conflict in work places affect the company’s productivity, employees’ morale towards work and cause divisions. Similarly, the study also established that challenges faced by the management in conflict management process were employees’ inability to read the laid down procedures and lack of external support from unions and government. However, most of all, the study found out that among the variety of strategies used, dialogue and collaboration were found to be the most effective ones in the resolution process of conflicts. From the findings, it was concluded that all the objectives were exhausted accordingly. The findings were good and displacement was done according to all the objectives. The study however, gave a number of recommendations in line with the objectives. These recommendations were as follows: Labour experts and authorities in the Ministry of labour should hold workshops that would include training in management of conflicts in the Organizations, employers should also be encouraged to adopt a compromising style and strategies such as no attention, physical separation and limited interaction in conflict management. Above all, the significance of the study was to be applicable to situations that try to resolve interpersonal conflicts between employers and employees and help government and stakeholders in adopting effective measures for conflict resolutions
Interpersonal conflict. , Conflict management.