In-service training for Headteachers and its effects on their leadership practices: A case of Headteachers in Basic Schools of Copperbelt Province trained at the National In-service teachers' college, Chalimbana, Zambia

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Maliwatu, Jane
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In Zambia currently, there is evidence that the majority of the headteachers lack relevant training for their posts. In response to the challenge, there have been efforts to offer in-service training to the headteachers. However, while in-service training programmes are worthwhile efforts, there have been little efforts, if any, to establish the efficacy of the training provided for the serving headteachers. This study was an attempt to establish whether or not the training provided for the serving headteachers enabled them to improve in their leadership practices, and also establish whether there was any significant difference in the leadership practices of the headteachers who had taken in-service training and those who had not taken the training. The focus was on the programme at the National In-service Teachers’ College (NISTCOL). The study employed both qualitative and quantitative methods. The data for this study was obtained through Kouzes’ and Posner’s (2003) Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI-self and observer), which measure the leadership practices in five distinct areas: modelling the way, inspiring a shared vision, challenging the process, enabling others to act, and encouraging the heart. Interviews were also conducted. Data was obtained from 28 headteachers and 230 teachers. From the data that was obtained from questionnaires and interviews, the results revealed that the greater majority of the headteachers who had taken in-service training in the area of educational management and those who had not taken the training demonstrated the practices associated with the leadership practices that were taken into account. On the question as to whether a significant difference existed between the headteachers who had taken in-service training and those who had not taken the training, from the data that was obtained through questionnaires, the results generally revealed that there was no significant difference in the leadership practices of the headteachers who had taken in-service training and those who had not taken the training. However, from the data that was obtained through interviews, the results revealed overwhelming evidence that there had been improvements in the headteachers’ leadership practices as a result of the training they had taken. Based on the findings of the study, recommendations were made, inter alia, that the Ministry of Education should support in-service training programmes for the headteachers, and should involve more educational institutions in the provision of relevant training to the headteachers. Recommendations for further research were also made, inter alia, that a similar study be done with a larger sample countrywide, and utilize a different method for determining the leadership practices, which would enhance the validity and reliability of the conclusion reached.
In-service training , Teachers--personnel Management , Employee training