An investigation into the factors affecting the implementation of the performance appraisal system (PAS) in secondary schools of Petauke district, Zambia.

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Pelekamoyo, Joackim
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The University of Zambia
The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors hindering the implementation of the Performance Appraisal System (PAS) in two selected secondary schools of Petauke District, Zambia. Specifically, the objectives of the study were to ascertain the extent of the implementation PAS in order to determine how effectively it is implemented in schools; to establish the perceptions of the administrators and teachers with regard to the purpose of the implementation of the PAS; to probe the factors hindering the implementation of PAS in order to establish their effect on performance appraisal in schools and to suggest mitigation strategies that should be practiced in order to achieve the implementation of the PAS in schools. This study was guided by the theory of organizational readiness. The study utilized the case study design. 32 participants were selected using homogenous sampling and purposive sampling. These comprised of 1 District Education Board Secretary (DEBS), 1 Human Resource Management Officer (HRMO), 2 Headteachers, 2 Deputy Headteachers, 14 Heads of Departments (HODs) and 12 class teachers. Using the qualitative research procedure data was collected through interviews, focus groups discussions and documentary analysis. Thematic analysis was used to analyse data. Results shows that PAS was ineffectively implemented since it was not conducted regularly and annually. The findings from the second objective revealed that administrators and teachers had very limited understanding as well as knowledge about the purpose of implementation of the PAS. The study further established major factors that had hindered the implementation of PAS which included relationships, time consuming, lacked training and pressure of work. Additionally, inadequate content in PAS form, lack of cooperation, differential in educational levels, negative attitudes, inconsistent are also factors that hindered the implementation of PAS. On the other hand, documentary analysis showed that there were no policy, circulars and user guides in schools. The suggested strategies were provision of training and induction, PAS be conducted twice year, feedback, monitoring and budgeting. Based on the above findings, it could be concluded that PAS had not been effectively implemented in secondary schools. Due to the poor execution of PAS, the study recommends conduction of PAS biannually; train or induct administrators and teachers; revision of PAS forms; provision of policy and user guide; PAS be used to identify teachers for rewards. Keywords: performance appraisal system, performance appraisal, implementation, factors
Performance appraisal system , Performance appraisal , Implementation, factors