How do teachers understand and apply the text based integrated approach in secondary school classrooms?.

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Mumba, Cyprian
Mwanza, David Sani
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Journal of Lexicography and Terminology
English language is a compulsory subject in Zambia from grades five to grade twelve. Therefore, it is vital that learners are equipped with the necessary skills to improve their communicative competence. The purpose of this study was to establish teachers’ understanding and application of the Text-based Integrated Approach in the teaching of English language to Grade Eleven pupils in selected secondary schools of Luanshya District in Zambia. The study employed a mixed method design which incorporates both qualitative and quantitative research designs. Interview guide, lesson observation guide and the questionnaire were the data collection instruments used in the study. A sample of 54 respondents comprising 45 teachers of English language and nine Heads of Language Departments participated in the study. The data were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively and were merged into common themes according to the research objectives. The findings showed that despite teachers affirming that they understood and applied the Text-based Integrated Approach in their teaching during face to face interviews, quantitative findings revealed that only 59% of the participants understood the approach, 28% held misconceptions about the approach and 13% bluntly stated that they did not have a slight idea about the method. Further, through the teachers’ responses in the questionnaire and the interviews, teachers had limited knowledge about what approaches the syllabus recommended for the teaching of Englishlanguage at senior secondary school level. Classroom lesson observations data showed that teachers were not implementing the Text-based Integrated Approach as stipulated in the syllabus. In view of the findings, it is recommended that the Ministry of General Education should organize formal and comprehensive in-service training for teachers on how to apply the Text-based Integrated Approach.
teachers , Zambia , Text based integrated approach , pupils , Syllabus , Communicative competence , Understanding , Application