An evaluation of the implementation of Kansanshi educational quality improvement programme (kanequip) on literacy levels of primary school pupils in Solwezi district.

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Banda, Buumba Stella
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The University of Zambia
The purpose of the study was to evaluate the implementation of Kansanshi Educational Quality Improvement Programme (KanEQuIP)’s interventions mainly on the improvement of the literacy levels among primary school pupils in Solwezi District. Specific objectives of the study were to; compare the learner performance in literacy before and after KanEQuIP’s interventions, establish the interventions put in place by KanEQuIP to improve literacy levels among learners in selected primary schools in Solwezi District, to assess the implementation of the interventions put in place by KanEQuIP to improve literacy levels among learners in selected primary schools in Solwezi District and to establish the views teachers have on the implementation of KanEQuIP’s intervention in the teaching of literacy. In order to achieve the study objectives, a sample of 18 was purposively drawn from four (4) primary schools in which 4 were head teachers, 12 teachers, 1 District Education board secretary (DEBS) and 1 programme coordinator from Kansanshi Education Foundation. Data was collected through interviews (DEBS officer and KanEQuIP coordinator), focus group discussions (Teachers), document analysis (KanEQuIP monthly reports) and non-participant observation (KanEQuIP activities in schools). Data was anlysed through thematic approach which revealed emerging themes from the study. The findings of the study revealed that literacy levels increased after the educational interventions were instituted in 2013 from 26% to 44%, in 2015 at 45%, in 2016 at 46% and in 2017 at 47.5% respectively. The study also found that the educational interventions to improve literacy skills were supply of both teaching and learning materials, facilitating of Continuous Professional Development, provision of school based administrative instructions, supporting of early childhood education, supporting of extra-curricular activities and community mobilization for education and literacy support. The study find out that the views of the teachers on the implementation of the educational interventions as improved; reading and writing skills, academic performance in other school subjects, school attendance and classroom infrastructure. Other views established in the study were; lack of finances to construct universal literacy centers, inadequacy of appropriate reading material, and lack of qualified teachers in literacy, low participation by parents in school activities and over enrolment. The study recommended re-training of teachers in literacy, pumping financial resource in the teaching of literacy and promotion of literacy sensitization campaigns. Key words: Literacy, literacy programme, primary education, interventional support, evolution.
Literacy programme--Primary education--Zambia , Literacy--Study and teaching--Interventional support--Zambia