Analysis of the methods being used to teach initial literacy in english at selected schools in Pemba district, Zambia.
Mbalamweshi, Charity Chilufya
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The University of Zambia
The language policy in Zambia indicated that initial literacy in Zambian Languages should be introduced in grade one while initial literacy in English should be introduced in grade three and a document called National Literacy Framework was provided to this effect. However, the document contained details of how to proceed with teaching initial literacy in each Zambian Language and none for the initial literacy in English. It was from this background that a study was conducted. The purpose of the study was to find out how the teachers in selected schools of Pemba District were teaching initial literacy in English without a guide by the Ministry of Education. The research design was case study and the approach was qualitative. It included document analysis of teachers’ preparations of grade three literacy lessons in English, lesson observations and checklists. There were also interviews with individual participant teachers. The target population involved all the Grade 3 teachers and all the Grade 3 learners in Pemba District. The sample consisted of 6 primary schools and 8 grade three teachers. The distribution of the teachers was not consistent because the selected had different numbers of Grade 3 teachers. Lesson preparation documents for initial literacy in English for the 8 teachers were analysed, the 8 teachers were observed teaching initial literacy in English and were subjected to a semi – structured interview. All the activities were done within their school and classroom environments. The data was analysed qualitatively. It was grouped into identified themes according to research objectives. The findings revealed that teachers used whatever methods/strategies they thought could make their teaching effective. Such methods were question and answer, demonstrations, class and group discussions, role play, synthetic phonics, look and say, pair work and teacher expository. Further, the content was sequenced according to books and documents they thought could enable them to teach initial literacy in English effectively. Such books and documents were the syllabus, the National Literacy Framework, Grade 3 Teachers’ Guide and Learners’ Books. Another finding was that teachers were facing challenges to teach initial literacy in English to learners who could neither speak nor read English with understanding. In addition, teachers expressed desire to be up skilled in the teaching of initial literacy in English through Continuous Professional Development meetings. In view of the findings, the following major recommendation was made: Curriculum developers to provide clear guidance on instruction to teach initial literacy in English for the Zambian schools.
Thesis of Master of Education in Literacy, Language and Applied Linguistics.