The role of school guidance and counselling in academic performance of grade 12 learners: a case study of selected secondary schools in Mansa district, Zambia.
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Kalinda, Catherine
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The University of Zambia
The study did explore the role of School Guidance and Counselling in academic performance of Grade 12 learners in selected secondary schools in Mansa district, Zambia. The objectives of the study were; to explore the types of School Guidance and Counselling offered to grade 12 learners in study schools; to explore how School Guidance and Counselling offered enhances the academic performance of Grade 12 learners, to explore factors related to School Guidance and Counselling that might have affected the academic performance of Grade 12 learners, and to explore efforts schools were making through School Guidance and Counselling to improve academic performance of Grade 12 learners in study schools. The research was guided by the Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) by Albert Bandura. The study used a case study research design supported by qualitative approaches. A sample size of 20 participants determined by saturation point and using expert and extreme purposive techniques were used. The 20 consisted of; 4 head teachers, 4 guidance teachers, 2 subject teachers, 8 Grade 12 learners, one Senior Education Officer and one District Guidance Coordinator. In addition, In-depth Interview guides and FGD interview guides were used. While thematic analysis approaches were equally used to analyse the data. The study revealed that there were five common types of School Guidance and Counselling practiced in the
study schools namely; educational, social, personal, vocational and psycho-social which helped grade 12 learners academically. The teachers and learners were aware of the availability of these types of School Guidance and Counselling although it was career guidance which was more pronounced. These types of School Guidance and Counselling provide vocational information, improve learners’ study skills and teaches learners academic writing skills and promotes self-awareness. Also, sensitisation and provision of psycho-social support were enhanced academic performance of the Grade 12 learners in the study district. The study further, revealed the major factors related to School Guidance and Counselling which negatively affected the academic performance of Grade 12 learners. These included; early pregnancies and early marriages, high poverty levels and negative attitudes towards learning. Other challenges contributing to low performance, were said to be; were the poor reading culture partially due to automatic pass progression to higher grades, lack of appropriate infrastructure, lack of motivation and lack of teaching and materials. Also, lack of parental involvement and non-upgrading of qualified guidance teachers and child headed homes as a result of death of parents due to HIV and AIDS realities. The study recommends that since School Guidance and Counselling had a key role to play in promotion of academic achievement, the study schools should work towards enhancing the offering of the services particularly to Grade 12 learners for purpose of improving performance.
Key Words: Guidance and Counselling; Academic performance; Explore; Learner
Thesis of Master of Education in Guidance and Counselling.