Implications of alcohol abuse among teachers in public schools of Kabompo district, Zambia.
Chitomdo , Peter Wazili
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The University of Zambia
The study seeks to investigate the Effects of alcohol on teachers and its counselling implications in selected secondary schools in Kabompo district, Zambia. The study was guided by four specific objective 1, To identify factors that causes teachers to abuse alcohol within working hours, 2. To investigate implications of alcohol abuse on teacher’s performance. 3. To explore challenges faced by supervisor’s to address the problem alcohol abuse among teacher and 4. To
establish preventive measures taken to help teachers who have an alcohol use disorder. This study has adopted descriptive research design, with a total of 30 respondents sampled from selected schools of Kabompo district. Primary data will be collected using in-depth interview guide while secondary data will be collected using journals, and studies conducted in line of the research. Data that was collected from the key informants was analyzed manually; and classified
(sorted) into main themes. In relation to this study, thematic analysis was used to analyses all the responses obtained on the topic. The study revealed that there is abuse of alcohol among teachers in Kabompo District and one of the contributing factor is availability of alcohol in places were these teachers are currently saving. The study also revealed that teacher’s abuse alcohol during working hours and this reduces teacher pupil contact hours which in return affect curriculum coverage. The study recommended that teachers with severe alcohol abuse disorder must be go on rehabilitation program with trained counselors in drug abuse of which they should produce a report before any radical intervention is made by the higher authority.
Thesis of Master of Science in Counselling