Strategies used to teach phonological awareness in selected primary schools of Serenje district of Zambia.
Tembo, Samesize F.
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The University of Zambia
The purpose of the study was to examine and understand the strategies used to teach phonological awareness in lower primary schools in Serenje District of Zambia. To determine the strategies teachers used to teach phonological awareness in lower primary schools of Serenje District; to discuss
factors affecting the use of strategies to teach phonological awareness in lower primary schools of Serenje District; to establish ways of enhancing the use of strategies to teach phonological awareness in lower primary schools of Serenje District. The study used a qualitative approach and a descriptive
survey design which employed questionnaires and in-depth interviews, an open-ended interview guide, lesson observation check list and the researcher’s personal field notebook to collect data. Non probability criterion homogenous purposive sampling procedure was used to select Deputy Head teachers, primary senior teachers and primary teachers. The sample size comprised 15 participants selected purposively. Qualitative data was analyzed thematically. The study revealed that generating rhymes, multi-sensory, picture card snap, sound sorts, and treasure chests were some of the strategies teachers used to teach phonological awareness in lower primary schools The study also revealed that learning styles, motivation, personality and language were factors that affected the use of strategies to teach phonological awareness. It was also found that lack of phonological awareness skills in teachers posed challenges in using strategies to teach phonological awareness in lower primary schools. It was further revealed in the study that those teachers who found it difficult to teach phonological awareness, they ended up teaching only three instead of the five ompetences in a single literacy lesson. The study concludes that frequent practice of learned phonetic skills leading to strategies used to teach phonological awareness will encourage the growth of the child’s mind. Direct, explicit instruction followed by activities that include abundant teaching strategies have been found greatly successful. Based on the findings, the study recommends that the teaching of phonological awareness should be incorporated in the syllabus being followed by primary teacher training colleges. Teachers should also teach all the five competences in a single literacy lesson if phonological awareness is to be taught successfully. Teachers should build the confidence level of the pupils by implementing
questioning techniques in reading discussions, that are age-specific and where all answers to questions are accepted.
Thesis of Master of Education in Literacy, Language and Applied Linguistics.