The effect of the working environment on employee’s work performance : a case study of airtel Zambia plc.
Chileshe, Tiweleko
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The University of Zambia
This research explores the relationship between the working environment and employee work performance at Airtel Zambia Plc in Lusaka. Following a correlational design, the study aims to provide insights into how the working environment influences employee performance. The target population consists of 319 employees at the company's head office in Lusaka, representing a diverse workforce in terms of roles and responsibilities. Through participant targeting parameters, 150 participants were selected to ensure valid and reliable results. Data was collected using a structured questionnaire uploaded on the Open Data Kit (ODK), facilitating efficient data collection and monitoring by the principal investigator. Secondary data sources, including books, journals, and official prints, supplemented primary data gathered through structured questionnaires and expert interviews. Data analysis was conducted using STATA and Excel, allowing for descriptive statistics and graphical presentations. The findings reveal a predominantly positive outlook on performance among respondents, with a significant proportion achieving excellence and a minority expressing average perceptions. These findings underscore the importance of addressing physical and psychosocial aspects of the working environment to optimize task performance and enhance overall employee well-being and productivity. The study contributes to understanding the significance of the working environment in fostering employee performance and organizational success. In conclusion, the findings of this study highlight the critical role of the working environment in shaping employee performance and overall organizational success. Addressing psychosocial & physical aspects is imperative to optimize task performance and enhance employee well-being. Moreover, effective organizational policies, communication, and leadership behavior are crucial in fostering a positive work environment conducive to high performance. Organizations must prioritize these factors to create an environment where employees can thrive and contribute effectively to achieving organizational goals.
Theses of Master’s in Business Administration