An assesment of the nature of guidance and counselling facilities in selected primary schools of Mumbwa district of central province, Zambia.
Mupwaya, Annah
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The University of Zambia
The purpose of the study was to assess the nature of guidance and counselling facilities in selected primary schools in Mumbwa District. The objectives of the study were to: establish the nature of guidance and counselling facilities available for pupils in selected primary schools; examine the status of guidance and counselling facilities in selected primary schools and assess the benefits of guidance and counselling facilities available in selected primary schools. A descriptive research design and supported by a qualitative and quantitative approaches, were used to conduct the study. The sample size was 200 participants and broken down as: 6 head teachers, 6 guidance and counselling teachers, 100 regular teachers and 88 pupils. The study was limited to six selected secondary schools. Questionnaires and interview guides were used to collect the data. Quantitative data was analysed with the help of excel soft-ware while, qualitative data was analysed using thematic analysis. The findings revealed that although facilities were inadequate and quite limited, teachers were providing
some services in guidance and counselling to the pupils. These ranged from; educational, vocational to social and personal guidance and counselling. Further, it was evident from the findings that, teachers and pupils were faced with a lot of challenges in attempt to providing guidance and counselling in study environment. These included: lack of counselling working space; insufficient personnel in guidance and counselling and inadequate instructional
material. Arising from these findings, the study recommended that: schools provide more facilities to support guidance and counselling services and more qualified personnel be deployed to the study. Further, requirements such as facilities to support guidance and counselling be planned for on an annual basis and more resources be supplied on a regular basis.
Thesis of Master of Science in Counselling