Benefits of incorporating pastoral counselling in the school curriculum : a case of selected secondary schools in mongu district, Zambia.
Eric, Sanjobo
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The University of Zambia
This study sought the benefits of pastoral counselling if incorporated in the school curriculum. The study was carried out in four selected secondary schools in Mongu District of Western Province. The study was guided by Jung’s analytical theory of human personality. In this Jungian theory, Jung postulates that self-knowledge and consciousness of the soul is paramount for the formation of human personality. He says that the unconscious contains both devastating
elements to one’s soul as well as rewarding elements that keep the soul healthy. In this Jungian theory, various archetypes such as the shadow, self, anima, animus, dreams, memories, and active imaginations help in uncovering the real you, the person required for the health living. In this theory, Jung states the value of the unconscious in developing sound and health soul. In literature, we reviewed St. Ignatius’ spiritual exercises and Viktor Frankl’s’ logo therapy. The two can help individuals to remove emotional, psychological and spiritual impediments through union with God and experiencing meaning in life respectively. The participants of the study were 32. These were categorized as 4 head teachers, 4 guidance and counselling teachers, 2 chaplains and 22 pupils.
Additionally, the data was collected using interview guides and focus group discussion guides. Qualitative data analysis was employed in this study. However, the study found that incorporation of pastoral counselling into the school curriculum will help focus pupil’s goals for it acts as a springboard. Besides this, pastoral counselling assists in maintaining emotional and spiritual stamina an element necessary for enhancement of grades in the school. Furthermore, pastoral incidents such as drug abuse, early pregnancies, stealing, absenteeism and many more could drastically be reduced or eliminated among pupils. Because of the above benefits, incorporation of pastoral counselling into the school curriculum would make significant contributions among pupils. Several recommendations have been made. Hence, pastoral counselling was recommended to be incorporated into the school curriculum if pupils are to foster that wholeness. The society (relevant departments included) to be sensitized and educated on the benefits of incorporating pastoral counselling in the school curriculum if we are to foster pupils who are emotionally, morally and spiritually sound. The Ministry of General Education should review policies,
procedures and practices on how pastoral counselling can be incorporated in the school curriculum.
Thesis of Master of Science in Counselling.