Views of untrained guidance teachers on importance of learner participation in career guidance in selected secondary schools in Mpika district.
Nyirongo, Ruth Sandra
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The University of Zambia
The purpose of the study was to explore how untrained guidance teachers view the importance of learner participation in career guidance activities in selected secondary schools n Mpika district of Zambia. The objectives of the study were to explore how untrained guidance teachers view the importance of their participation in career guidance activities in selected secondary schools, identify types of career guidance activities that take place in schools with untrained guidance teachers and to establish how untrained guidance teacher prepare learners for careers. The study adopted qualitative approach and employed a case study design which allows in-depth understanding of the phenomenon under study. Data was collected from a sample of 16 respondents attained through data saturation from selected four secondary schools in Mpika. The study used typical case purposive sampling procedure. Interview guide and non-participant
observation guides were used to collect data from participants. Thematic analysis of data was employed. The findings of the study revealed that guidance teachers appreciated the importance of participation of learners in career guidance activities despite lack of detailed knowledge of career guidance. The study also found that untrained guidance teachers were involved in career guidance activities of some sort through limited in depth and scope. The study also revealed that not all components of guidance and counseling services were offered in the schools sampled. Based on the findings, the study concluded that although untrained guidance teachers lacked basic skills to provide holistic services to learners, they appreciate the need for learners to participate in
guidance and counseling programs. The study recommends that school authorities should consider scaling up provision of adequate appropriate and holistic services in order for learners to appreciate participation programs. Further the government should ensure that policies on guidance and counseling which already exist are fully implemented in order to enhance learner participation.
Thesis of Master of Science in Counselling.