An investigation of the adequacy of control measures in combatting mobile money fraud in Lusaka district.

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Mubita, Nyambe Gabriel
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The University of Zambia
The purpose of the study was to investigate the adequacy of control measures in combatting mobile money fraud in Lusaka District. The three specific objectives of the study were (1) to determine the types of control measures employed in combatting mobile money fraud in Lusaka District (2) to establish the extent of implementing control measures of combatting mobile money fraud in Lusaka District and (3) to establish policy best practices in combating mobile money fraud in Lusaka District. The study drew a sample size of 271 using mixed sampling methods of purposive and simple random. The study adopted a convergent parallel mixed research design and data was collected using a structured questionnaire and an interview guide. Data obtained were analysed using correlation and multivariate regression analysis with the help of SPSS (Version 27). In addition, content and thematic analysis was used to derive meanings from the qualitative data. The findings of the study were: the types of the control measures in the fight against mobile money fraud include sensitization of both the users and the agents, apprehension and prosecution of the offenders, enhancement of mobile money security through the adoption of appropriate technologies among others. It was also found that majority (145; 54%, N=271) of the users do not even implement the control measures that are recommended for them. On the issue of policies and laws, most of the respondents were not aware about them, and could therefore, not comment much on their efficacy. A Cronbach alpha test was carried out to test the reliability of the research outcomes for internal consistency. The Cronbach alpha produced a reliable measure of .744 which is a moderate indicator and the standardized items of 0.757. One of the recommendation of the study is that the various stake holder organizations such as ZICTA, MNOs and Law Enforcement Agencies should intensify their sensitisation programs and even conduct joint campaigns on how the users of mobile money services could protect themselves from the fraudsters.
Thesis of Masters in Business Administration