Evaluation of collegial supervision and teacher performance in government primary schools of Lusaka urban district
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Mahongo, Chilombo
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The University of Zambia
The purpose of this study was to evaluate collegial supervision and Teacher performance in Government Primary Schools of Lusaka District. The study sought to answer how collegial practices and supervisory activities were enhancing staff development and learner academic performance, investigate the challenges faced by teachers and how best collegial supervision could be enriched in Government Primary Schools. The study employed a concurrent triangulation mixed - method design. The study was carried out in 3 government schools which were purposively selected from Kaunda Square zone in Lusaka District, Zambia. The sample size included a total of 51 respondents - 45 teachers, 3 Deputy Head Teachers and 3school In- Service Providers (SIC). Semi Structured Questionnaires and Semi- Structured guided interviews were the main instrument of data collection. The results revealed that the effect of collegial supervision activities among teachers in Government Primary Schools focused on contributing to staff development as collegial practices were enhancing academic performance. But there were also challenges faced by teachers in collegial supervision, however, collegial supervision could be enriched to support staff development .There was a minimal significance influence on staff performance and evidence of the positive perception of teachers about collegial supervision.
Thus, effective collegial supervision in Government Primary schools was a vital source of enhancement in staff professional growth, pupil learning, and organizational effectiveness.
Firstly, collegial supervision needed to be encouraged and supported in Government Primary Schools and given enough time so that teacher improvement and learner quality performance could be achieved. Secondly, the supervisory practices should be clearly stated in the local school policies emphasizing the need for collegiality as a means of improving learner performance by helping teachers to reflect on their practices, through observing each other and developing professionally. Thirdly, the success of collegial supervision program depended on teacher’s and Supervisor’s understanding of the meaning of supervision, only then could those professionals have productive supervisory relations. Fourthly, teachers should be encouraged to regard collegial supervision as a normal administrative procedure geared towards helping them improve professionally and a way of upgrading their performance. Collegiality is a vehicle to increase teacher knowledge.
Teacher performance--Government schools.