Challenges faced by students attending academic evening classes in selected Government Schools in Lusaka District
Malumani, Roster
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The study was designed to identify challenges faced by students attending academic evening classes in selected government schools in Lusaka District.The objectives of the study were to: establish whether or not students attending academic evening classes faced any challenges; establish the extent to which thesechallenges affected theirclass attendance; determine how far these challenges affected their academic performance; and identify measures to help students address the challenges.A case study design was employed in which both qualitative and quantitative methods were used to collect data from respondents. Questionnaires were used for collecting quantitative data and unstructured interview guide for qualitative data. The sample for this study comprised four government schools; that is; two basic schools and two high schools. From the four schools, 100 students were sampled; 25 students from each school. In addition, 16 teachers; four from each school and the four Evening School Co-ordinators were sampled. Thetotal sample population in the study was 120.Quantitative data was analysed by using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) to generate frequency distribution tables and percentages. On the other hand, qualitative data was presented using generative themes.The findings of the studyrevealed that students attending academic evening classes faced a lot of challenges. There were many challenges that were brought out but only the salient ones are highlighted here, such as, students who were in employment were often tired after a long day at work. They knocked off late from work and often reported late for classes. Lack of money to pay for transport, especially for those who were not in employment due to long distances to schools where they registered for tuition often led to frequent absenteeism from lessons. These challenges totally affected their class attendance.It also emerged from the findings that students’ academic performance was also affected. Most of the students rated their academic performance as average. The students attributed this to lack of seriousness on the part of the teachers. Teachers reported late for lessons and in most cases, they came unprepared. On the other hand, teachers also revealed that students did not seem to be serious with their work. They were frequently absent and in most cases they reported late for lessons. On identifying measures to help students address these challenges, the findings revealed that students were ready to engage themselves in extra tuition during week-ends and the teachers also indicated that they were willing to teach them.In view of the findings, the following were the recommendations the study arrived at. There was need for the school administration to make arrangements for teachers to teach during week-ends to assist especially the working students who did not have time to attend lessons regularly during week days. There was also need for close supervision of teachers to ensure that they prepared their lessons and reported to class on time so that they could cover as much of the syllabus as possible.Furthermore, to avoid frequent absenteeism, due to lack of money for transport, students should be encouraged to register early at centres that were near their homes.
Evening and Continuation Schools-Zambia