Learning sustainable consumption of HEP through load shedding among selected residential areas in Chipata district of Eastern Zambia.
Masendeke, Sibiziwe
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The University of Zambia
The need to learn sustainable consumption of hydroelectric power (HEP) became very popular with increasing incidences of load shedding in the world today. Load shedding is a situation where the available power supply fails to meet demand. Among many factors, effects of climate variability caused lower water levels at Zambia’ s major HEP stations and led to Zambia’s major electricity company rationing power to its clients. Unsustainability in the HEP production, supply and consumption patterns represented a significant problem in all sectors of the economy and posed a challenge on the attainment of a sustainable and efficient HEP sector. This ignited the need to investigate on how the learning on sustainable consumption of HEP through load shedding may promote efficiency and sustainability in the HEP sector. The objectives of the study were to ascertain households’ perceptions on load shedding, determine how load shedding transformed households’ lifestyles, investigate the sustainability of the adopted energy sources, determine a learning opportunity on sustainable consumption of HEP and propose a learning guide on sustainable consumption of HEP. The study was underpinned by the Explanatory – Sequential mixed design. Transformative Learning Theory by Mezirow (1978) guided the study. Target population was 100 households from Kapata and Chipata Motel Compounds where 90 respondents were sampled using
simple random technique and the 10 key informants were homogenously expert purposively sampled. The semi – structured interview schedule, observation guide and questionnaire were used to collect data. Descriptive statistics, thematic and mixed analysis were used to analyse data with the aid of Micro - Soft Excel. Between- method triangulation was used to validate data. Results showed that 90% of the households perceived load shedding as a detriment that affected households’ operations and financial viability. However, 80% of the respondents reported to have learnt sustainable consumption of HEP through adoption of energy efficient gadgets, energy diversification, hydroelectric power conservation and adoption of Renewable Energy Technologies. This led to the reduction in the hydroelectric power dependence syndrome. In conclusion, load shedding promoted sustainable consumption and production patterns and positively transformed households’ lifestyles in the way they viewed and utilized HEP. The study recommends that the proposed learning guide should be used to empower households with knowledge and skills and further help
promote sustainable consumption of HEP among households in Chipata District.
Thesis of Master of Education in Environmental Education